May be useful for the reading and sow good seed for us all. God bless all of us who've brsedia read this article.
I was sluggish because of complaining, every night I inundate my bed, with my tears I flood my bed. (Psalm 6:7)
Well .... tears synonymous with problems, crowding and heartbreak.
We often associate the person who was crying as people who are suffering, although there are also tears of happiness ..., because so touched upon an event a happy heart.
But it's more the tears come out because of the suffering.
Sons of Korah wrote psalms that show crowdedness heart, My tears into my food day and night, because all day people said to me, "Where is your God?" (Psalm 42:4 a) to the point of tears continue to flow no stopping. ..
People often think of people who easily cry is the weak heart, there is even an unwritten teachings "Boys should be taught from childhood not show tears in front of others", because it seems weak and not masculine ...
Until one day for the first time .... yaaah for the first time I realized, 'how lucky I still have tears. "
How lucky your friends, because friends are still able to cry .... .
A witness who confuse-blue.
Beliat once all-powerful skin disease that is now left a trail in his eyes. Can not cry anymore because of her tears glands are clogged due to illness they experienced.
Seeing him when preaching, passing is no different from other people in general, except for eyes that look a bit wet ...
Searching kesaksiaannya, call obvious he is a servant of God.
Samuel Irwan, since the age of 14 years has been serving the Lord, and a year later little has become a preacher. Finish high school, Samuel Irwan continuing education in the School of Theology STT Tawangmangu.
In schools this is the Samuel Irwan has more character building, and before graduating Samuel Irwan vowed, would later serve the Lord full-time, wherever the Lord would send and place.
PLACE begin to live the vows
After graduating from STT Tawangmangu, 1993, Samuel Irwan be a period of practice and was placed in District Mangkupalas, Samarinda, East Kalimantan.
This is where he began life as a servant of the Lord full time. All lived with joy and full of spirit despite having to leave the comfortable life in Surabaya and live a life of weight in Kalimantan with an offering of love is very small.
Only Rp 80,000 per month.
Staying at home is very simple, many mice around, mopping the house, washing clothes and dishes in the trenches, cleaning the church, serving as pengerja in the church is an activity she lived day by day. Does not feel've lived for 2 years.
Nazar rectify
"How can I settle down with minimal economic life like this?
Where there is a want to be my wife?
Where there are parents who would give his daughter to me?
How can I feed my family? "
Various questions and complaints from stifling his heart in the midst of a desire to begin fostering households. And his heart was already starting adrift with a beautiful girl he knew in the match vocal group at a church in Samarinda.
Irwan Samuel started thinking to no longer be a servant of the Lord full time. Moreover, many testy God's children who succeed in the job but also remain faithful to serve God, he decided to stop making so fulltimer secular and began applying for jobs.
When the pastor asked about the vow, Samuel Irwan said, "I corrected my vow."
Tears and the pastor's words, "The Church is not able to give a big salary, but God is able to keep your life ... .." not able to stop Samuel Irwan's determination to stop so fulltimer church.
Armed with high school diploma, computer skills and English, 1995, Samuel Irwan accepted to work at a timber company. It really started from the down position, just as a radio operator.
Because of the tenacity and ability to work in the fields of computer, in just 5 months he was made head of production at the company logged wood.
Financial blessing began to flow with rapids that can be rented house, buy furniture, make sure the motorcycle is on the right track.
Married to Erna S. Tjandra, in 1996 and gave a daughter the next year to make more complete joy. High position in the company, had a wife, kids, house, kendaraan.What else Could make uterus happier?
Before, when I want to work in the secular world, Samuel Irwan said to the Lord, will serve the Lord while at work, now desire to serve is not a priority anymore.
Warning of the servants of God who will remind vow ignored.
Until ... ....
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)
January 2, 1998, Samuel Irwan feel the complaint colds, fever, sore throat and red eyes.It seems plain sick. Went to the doctor's eyes, and was given paracetamol to reduce fever. The next day, it was the fever does not go down well, even nascent red spots on her arm. The palm of the hand and leg ache and pain when touching or stepping on a hard object.
Own initiative to go to a general practitioner and prescribed medication 400mg virusZoter killer because according to his doctor diagnosed a viral infection, coupled with a febrifuge. Samuel did not tell your GP that she was also given some kind of medicine by an ophthalmologist. In addition, he also bought some cold medicine and herbal medicine free, anything which according to his knowledge, can cure the symptoms experienced.
Arriving at the house, Samuel Irwan taking all the drugs from two doctors, plus free drugs purchased alone, all with a dose that is written, because he wanted a speedy recovery.
The result was horrible because the mix yourself some kind of drug.
Red spots began to blister and char, and began creeping up to the chest, neck, neck, face and eye condition worsened, the more red. Esophagus, oral cavity and tongue was also blistered.
Not quite got there, the condition is getting worse because the skin like no water and pus that rot.
Referred to hospitals in Samarinda, January 7, 1998 Samuel Irwan undergo hospitalization.
One member of the team treating doctor, a doctor said that Samuel Irwan skin disease Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) stage 3.
Irwan Samuel body condition at the time as people affected by burns of 80%. All parts of the body there is no escape; blistered, charred, and purulent, from head to toe, except the thigh and calf.
Samuel Irwan remember those days, "If you're sleeping on his side, and not carefully and slowly move the face to another position, then the skin will face tercuil and sticky on the sheets. Pediihhh once ... .. "
Fever also does not go down, to 42 degrees Celsius, so that when you're shivering like a hard bed was shaken by an earthquake. Should be incorporated into the isolation room, not because this SJS is an infectious disease, but because of fear of infectious disease from other patients to Samuel Irwan which can aggravate the situation.
One day the eyes are always red like Samuel get smth. In the eye and ask the nurse to flush the eyes with boorwater. When you wake up, so instead of better, turned out to both eyes so white all, such as HVS covered with white paper.
Samuel Irwan is very angry with the doctors and nurses who cared for him.
And also very angry at God, "Tuhaaaan .... . my eyes need this to work ... .. "
When the deadline for its strength, when the eyes no longer can be used to see, Samuel Irwan ask forgiveness to God.
Doctors in Samarinda everything was referring to Samuel's hands and Irwan to a hospital in Surabaya. The night before departure to Surabaya, Samuel Irwan realized his calling back.
He called the first pastor, to pray for mercy because of running from God.
At that time Samuel Irwan promised that if God still give grace to live and he will serve the Lord fully back.
With the help of a pastor GBI in Samarinda, Samuel Irwan was brought to Surabaya.
Samuel's condition at that time could not walk anymore because the foot was also blistered.
When the plane will go up stairs, unable to walk, a porter who does not know his illness, trying to help by holding Samuel into the aircraft cabin. Movement suddenly lifted Samuel who was sitting in a wheelchair, made his skin torn interested, and Samuel cried so hard. The journey is not easy for a hope of healing.
The team of doctors who accept in Surabaya very surprised to see the condition of the body Samuel Irwan. They do not think Samuel's condition was so bad at all.
Previously they had handled sick patients who suffered from SJS it with conditions only one-third of Samuel's condition. This patient eventually died, .... let alone Samuel?
When the shirt opened to the X ray, skin torn back again.
The color white flesh visible dipunggung is due to torn skin, and red is the blood that comes out.
Detailed results of X-rays: stomach, pancreas, liver, parts of the body, everything is broken. So that Samuel could only be expected to survive 3 weeks.
Because this was undergoing SJS disease since January 2, 1998, the estimated Samuel Irwan only lasts until January 23, 1998. So that was asked to immediately bring his wife to Surabaya, bringing their new child aged 2 months.
A graduate of the German dermatologist said, even if Samuel can recover from this SJS disease, need 2 years to recover the skin to return to normal.
Eye doctor, who also graduated from the German said, even if cured, will be blind forever, no more hope to the eyes of Samuel.
There is no basis for hope, but Samuel Irwan still hope to God as Abraham in the book of Romans, because although there is no basis for hope, but Abraham berharapjuga and believe, that he would become the father of many nations, according to which he had said: "So many descendants later .
His faith did not become weak, even though he knew that his body was very weak, since he has about a hundred years, and that Sarah's womb was closed.
But the promise of God he did not falter because of mistrust, even he strengthened in his faith and he glorified God,
with full conviction, that God is able to perform what He promised.
(Romans 4:18-21)
"A Virtuous Woman'S PRICE IS FAR ABOVE rubies"
Wife who qualified would get it?
He is more precious than jewels.
(Proverbs 31:10)
This verse is addressed to Erna feasible Tjandra, wife of Samuel Irwan, who diligently care for her husband. It never even showed disgust to the husband who has been severely destroyed his body. With a condition that is very smelly and fishy, never even entered the room Erna isolation by wearing a mask. Never once.
With his faithful treat ulcers in the body of Samuel, Samuel brushing his fingers, clean the dirt in the bed, all done without complaining and always smiling.
All done with love. She showed us an unconditional love.
No measurable impartation he gave strength to her husband who is fighting against death. Erna repeatedly reinforce Samuel to keep hope in the Lord.
Suffering endless?
Samuel routine treatment each day also become a routine suffering.
The body is already blistered, charred, purulent that every day should be given an ointment and bandaged.
The following morning the bandages that must be replaced. When the bandage is opened, the back skin was torn and stuck to the bandage tsb. Sick once, and must be lived as long as 1.5 hours from 9 am until 10:30 noon. Every day for 1.5 hours screaming in pain. Similarly, when the sheets will be replaced. Back skin will be torn and sticky on the sheets.
Support from the family of Samuel's wife and Irwan is very huge.
Unremitting chain of fasting they prayed God's mercy to heal begged Samuel.
But Samuel circumstances instead of improving, even worse. The 20 nails on her fingers off one by one, palms and feet of water bubbled, blistered the ears and nose bleeds. Body weight decreased from 68 kg to 43 kg. The reproductive system is also under attack so that is expected to recover if it can not have offspring anymore.
Samuel situation instead of getting better, even more severe.
Samuel again said, "God forgive me, ... when I recover, I'll be back to serve you full time.I will leave my job, I will pay my vows. Please accept my body is already rotten. Forgive me Lord .... "
Sacrifice to God is the soul of a shattered heart will not crumble patahdan Kaupandang despicable, O God. (Psalm 51:19)
Sentence above with a sincere and heart broken spoken person who never made a mistake and then go back to God. He is David. History records the Lord restored David.
What about Samuel Irwan?
Many people are turned away his faith when his prayers were not answered by God. Do not believe that God can heal, God can answer prayer.
Not so with Samuel Irwan, along with his entire family. Also people who are faithful prayers. They so believe in God and mercy,
January 23, 1998, the date on which Samuel is expected to pass away, it became a turning point in his recovery process.
Nurses who as usual every morning treat skin Samuel, were surprised to see Samuel skin starts to dry and heal.
The shock was increased to question Samuel, "Sister ...., I was in the hospital Adi Husada Kapasari Surabaya yes?" With amazement, nurse asked, "Loh .... Why you know?". Then Samuel pointed with his finger a red paper sheets contained in his bed, saying, "This is his writing." Sister exuberant as he ran out to call the eye doctor.
All the doctors who menangai SJS disease was amazed at all of what had happened to Samuel.
The eyes can be cured without surgery. The inside of the body such as kidneys, liver, stomach, etc. all healed and normal kemnali. 2 days later Samuel was able to walk again, and walked with a quick recovery process. No need to wait up to 2 years for Samuel skin become normal again, and ... healed without plastic surgery (!!!)
SJS worst disease ever handled at the hospital they will be, fully recovered
(Even now Samuel Irwan has been blessed with another daughter to 2, dated May 31, 1999, one year after experiencing the healing).
The Lord Jesus was remarkable. DAHSYAT!
Shed 'Tear Drops'. EVERY 15 MINUTES!
Irwan Samuel skin become normal again. There is no slightest sign of mold or implying that he had been tortured by tsb malignant skin disease. Except her eyes.
Even if forced to shed tears, the eyelid muscles up and down like a squeezed and painful. So like it or not, Samuel had to use artificial tear drops.
When preaching once every 15 minutes Irwan Samuel artificial tears to her eyes do not dry and sticky, but all it did not dampen the spirits to serve the Lord.
Eye drops used today is made in USA "Refresh Liquidgel" costs $ 24 per bottle, and it is used within 3 days. Not to mention because this drug must be ordered from Singapore, then the total cost to replace the tears that must be provided monthly amounts
Rp 3.000.000, -.
How expensive DROP TEARS!
Not a bit of money already spent for the treatment of the eye and the provision of artificial tears.
Over the past 12 years had no tears (years 1998-2010), the cost already spent about 1.6 billion.
Just to tears!
That's why at the beginning of this paper, I say, be happy if you still can menangis.Pertama, stress levels can be lowered while crying, so we do not become depressed. Second, do not have to pay an M-M for tears.
Visibility is only about 1 meter, making Samuel Irwan should bring field glasses (binoculars) while in the airport so that no one chose the gate and and read no planes.
There is a remarkable testimony as Samuel Irwan was in Changi, Singapore, being a transit waiting for a plane to Japan and America.
An Indian policeman reprimanded with a harsh thought Samuel was using the camera.With the firm he admonished, "No cameras in this airport, sir!".
Samuel explained that the binoculars to help read because his eyes can not be read remotely.
Long story short, Samuel tried to convince the Indian police and they will show how the Lord Jesus to heal from illness SJS, as he showed photographs of himself while suffering from SJS who is on his mobile phone. Samuel said, "God told me to Japan and America to proclaim his goodness. Can you help me show table should I go for check-in? "
What happened? The cop was crying.
He said, "Before I help you, you have to please me."
Apparently the day before police had a big fight with his wife and his wife want a divorce. Their son also became a child brat, can not be controlled. A household that is very messy.
He said that many people are telling Jesus could reconcile the family, but he thought all of that nonsense.
And as he touched the hand of Samuel Irwan, police said, "This new skin, this really real evidence." At that time he also requested guided to thank the Lord Jesus.
Afterward, when she boarding Irwan escort Samuel said, "I never feel peace like this, ... thank you."
In the seat plane, Samuel Irwan thoughtful .... , "God .... If indeed it can make people's eyes who likes to complain to be grateful, can make a sinner saved. ..., My eyes are not cured anything not of God ..., because I am grateful to the eye can glorify God .... "
Through all that happened, the Rev. Samuel Irwan's gone to various places in Indonesia, and even serve up to the nations to share the goodness of God.
Many people are touched by God and healed, not just those who are sick physically, but also healthy people but it was far from God. Feel the love of God again and decided to return to God.
"IN weaknesses, its strengths OTHERWISE"
Once a while eye drops are exhausted, while orders from Singapore late. When the bottle was empty, there was a miracle. Every time dripped into the eyes, that it can still drip, although if the bottle is not shaken by the sound of nothing as it was already empty.
Empty bottles continue artificial tears each use, until the new drug orders from Singapore arrived. When the back shed, empty bottle they will not drain any more, because his replacement had arrived.
Visibility of only 1 meter does not diminish the spirit of Samuel Irwan to learn more and complete education in STT S1 Theologia envoy Panisal Jember. While in college should bring tools such as binoculars and a magnifying glass to read more jelas.Kegigihannya and unyielding spirit was also evidenced by continuing to study Masters in the field of Biblical Tier 2, and graduated with very satisfactory results.
Still not enough, as if a race against time, Samuel Irwan continue grazing study and evangelism at the Haggai Institute of Hawaii, USA.
All done in all the weaknesses he had. But the power of God that sustain it, to make Samuel Irwan able through everything well.
Different interpretations of those who listened to the testimony of the father of Rev. Samuel Irwan Santoso, S. Th, MA, which since 2006 up to now feed the church in the GBI Bontang, East Kalimantan.
But that is embedded in my heart, is:
Even when he allowed SJS disease, in my eyes it is not a punishment because of an error. But God's ways to bring him back to His call.
Because of His glory He will show us all through his ministry.
God never left him, even when walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
Evident from the cost of aircraft and medical to Surabaya, (at that time drug prices soar due to the monetary crisis), all bear a businessman in Samarinda, which is not a believer, but his heart is moved by God to bear the burden.
Also the cost of artificial tears are not a bit over the past 12 years, (Billion .... Bo ') that may not be able to be bought by him, all provided by God through the different people who moved his heart by God.
If my friends and I allowed to hear or read this testimony, it must be because God wants us more grateful again through the day that is not this better.
If you're crying in these days, be thankful, because all our tears are free from God.Imagine if we have to pay Rp 3 million per month just to tear?
And even today we are crying, God wants us all to know that he never left hand action.
Passing through the valley of the shadow of death though, we are not afraid of danger, because the Lord is with us.
All blessings,
Julita Manik
(PS As told by the Rev. Samuel Irwan, and from the blog: http://kesaksiansam uel1.blogspot. Com /)
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